18 Things To Do If Your Girlfriend Is Ignoring You

The only thing worse than a girlfriend who suppresses you is a girlfriend who ignores you. If this happens, I’m sorry! I’ve been there. Here’s what to do.

18 Things to do if your girlfriend is ignoring you

1. Know why

First, try to figure out why your girlfriend is ignoring you. If you know the root cause, you can decide what to do next. For example, she’s missing you because she’s going through a difficult time and is to shut herself down.

She ignores you because she cheats on you or wants to break up. It makes a big difference why she is missing you.

The question is how to find out and how to find out if she is telling the truth if she answers. But sooner or later, it all comes down to.. one thing: Ask her.

If she says no, start looking for clues. Just be sure not to get too obsessive or try to read her mind not very clear why she is ignoring you, and there seems to be no reason.

2. Press the pause button

If your girlfriend is ignoring you and you are extremely upset. This is also just plain disappointing.

You want to interrogate her like a cop and ask what the hell is happening. Trust me, don’t do that. Leave a text message barrage too. It works and will take her further away.

I know right now you probably want nothing more than to fix your relationship with this woman and get back on the right track…

But the truth is that most of us overlook an essential element in our lives:

The relationship we have with ourselves.

I came to know about this from the shaman Rudá Iandê. In his real, free video on cultivating healthy relationships, she gives you the tools to put yourself at the center of your world.

It covers some of the major mistakes most of us make in our relationships, such as addictive habits and unhealthy expectations. Most of us make mistakes without realizing them.

So why am I recommending Rudá’s life-changing advice?

She uses techniques derived from ancient shamanic teachings, but she puts his modern twist on them. she may be a magician, but his experiences in love were not significantly different from yours and mine.

Until they find a way to address these common issues, and that’s what she wants to share with you. So if you’re ready to make that change today and develop healthy, loving relationships that you know you deserve, check out his simple, genuine advice.

3. Give her some space

And it’s natural! Space is significant in a relationship. She’s not trying to stay away from you; she can’t help herself because she needs a little more time from you.

I don’t understand why my girlfriend ignores me, you say. Have you considered the possibility that she needs some space in the relationship? A relationship can be pretty demanding, and people are often not in the right place to give it a go.

Your girlfriend probably needs to be alone and re-examine things. A little time with her thoughts is what she’s going for; As a side-effect, you may wonder, “Why is my GF ignoring me for no good reason?”

4. Check yourself

Whatever is happening, don’t forget yourself in the middle of it. Your girlfriend is ignoring you, which also affects you mentally, and you don’t feel happy anymore.

You need to save your relationship, but before that, you must protect yourself first. Think about yourself and your needs as well. Not taking care of yourself will mess you up and make you more clingy and desperate than the person she loves.

Use this time to invest in your physical and emotional well-being. You can start by committing to healthy eating and a new workout regimen.

If your mood is such that you don’t like going out, you can order some essential fitness equipment like weights, resistance bands, and jump rope to get started.

Also, pay attention to your mental health. Listening to meditation tapes for a few minutes every day or working out alone with a meditation guru can help to calm your mind.

Don’t focus too much on “my girlfriend is ignoring me.” Sometimes, physical and emotional distance leads the relationship to its destruction.

In such cases, you need to be there for your girlfriend. Give her space so that she can understand his issues. If your girlfriend ignores you, it doesn’t mean someone else is in the picture.

You need to trust her and give her time to open up. Things are not always as they seem, and if you follow these steps, you will win over his heart in no time and know there is nothing to worry about.

Make sure your girlfriend is ignoring you and that you’re not overreacting because sometimes, once you bring it up or it becomes an issue, it’s too late to walk back and cool down Is.

5. See if she needs help

Life can take you for a wild ride, and sometimes it hits the people closest to you. Your girlfriend may have genuine mental health problems and is trying to whitewash her way through them.

If it gives her the cold shoulder for you, it’s best not to take it personally.

Instead, it would help if you tried slowly raising whether she is doing fine and wants to talk to someone.

A variety of professional support, exercise, and alternative therapies can all be effective in dealing with the sadness of depression and the jagged edge of severe panic disorder, OCD, or psychosis.

If she’s dealing with mental issues that got her down, it’s because she may seem distant and inconsistent.

This could be your chance to help. I am not guaranteeing that you will “solve” or even improve his issues by helping and involving her to open up.

But you can certainly try and stand by her when she goes through this difficult time.

6. Use this as an opportunity to enhance your life

One of the best things you can do if your girlfriend is ignoring you is to use this as an opportunity to improve your life.

There is no single recipe for how to do this:

It’s all up to you.

Start by getting Notepad or by opening the document. Then write down five things that make you happy.

Here’s an example of my five things:

Write your five things. Then do at least one of them every week.

This time when your girlfriend is ignoring you is the perfect opportunity to change gears and get involved in what you love to do. If you’re too busy with work, try to fit in half an hour of your five things.

7. Put down your phone

One of the best things you can do if your girlfriend ignores you is to put your phone down. If she isn’t answering your texts and calls, the worst thing to do is keep bothering you.

Brazil has a great song about this. It is a duet called “Baby, Answer the Phone! (“Baby Me Attend”) by Matthias Fernandes and Dilsinho.

As they sing:

“Abandoned inside an apartment,
Anxious, with a desperate heart…
Love and anger go hand in hand…
Oh baby, answer me!
Oh how I want to throw my cell phone at the wall!”

The song is a bit sidelined, even though it conveys a genuine disappointment. It tells how awful it is to focus entirely on someone who isn’t returning your calls and try to contact them!

The more you think about it and focus on it, the closer you are to smashing your smartphone on the wall. Put down your phone! Even for just two hours. Please…

8. Find out if she’s really ‘the one.’

If your girlfriend ignores you, you can’t be blamed for having doubts about whether she is “the one.” Honestly, you’re probably wondering if she’s the right one for you.

Things may have been great when you first got together, but now it seems like you’ve walked into an episode of The Twilight Zone, and you want to wake up.

Want an easy way to tell if someone is really ‘the one’?

Let’s face it:

We can waste a lot of time and energy with people who are ultimately not meant to be with us. True love is hard to find, and finding your partner is even more difficult.

However, I’ve recently stumbled upon a new way to understand it that dispels all doubt. I sketched my partner from a professional psychic artist.

Sure, I was a little skeptical about going in. But the craziest thing happened – the drawing looks exactly like a girl I met recently (and I know she likes me), If you want to find out if you’ve already met one, draw up your sketch here.

9. Avoid getting angry

Do your best to avoid getting angry at your girlfriend if she gives you the cold shoulder. It can turn into a breakup very quickly if the words are harsh.

If you have a meltdown and chuck your phone against the wall, do it privately where she’s not around!

In your communication efforts, focus on “I” statements rather than statements that blame her or put words in her mouth. For example, instead of saying, “You’re so passive-aggressive when you get this way…”

Try saying, “I’ve been feeling isolated lately because I want someone to talk to.

It makes it about your feelings and experiences rather than blaming her. This lets her know your needs and that you are doing your best to be mature about the situation.

As author Suzy Kasem puts it:

“We cannot control the way people interpret our ideas or thoughts, but we can control the words and tones we choose to convey them.

“Peace is built on understanding, and wars are built on misunderstandings.”

10. Listen hard

If your girlfriend ignores you, it’s easy to jump to conclusions. But jumping to conclusions kills relationships.

Instead, please do your best to listen to what she has to say. If she says, “I just need some time off,” do your best to listen!

If she says something cryptic about your relationship, do your best to ask what she means respectfully and then listen.

When it is ready, it will open.

Showing that you won’t be interrupted and are willing to listen without judgment can go a long way in helping her feel comfortable opening up. Rolling your eyes, sighing deeply, making “harrumph” sounds, and constantly checking your watch while she talks are all on the Do Not list.

11. Break through the humility

One of the biggest reasons partners ignore each other in relationships is that they feel uncomfortable with confrontation.

To avoid a fight, they shut up and shut down. This isn’t good and usually spells the end of a love affair.

The solution is to break through politely. One of the best things to do if your girlfriend ignores you is to let her know that you can take whatever she says.

Show her that you won’t take it personally. Be open to whatever she wants or doesn’t want to tell.

Go on with your life, as I’ve advised, but if you want things to work out with your other half, you also need to show that you’re not going to be devastated if she tells you something. Going what you don’t want to hear…

12. Find her weird bone

One of the worst things that can happen in a relationship is that jokes or funny experiences stop being there. Everything feels like an obligation, a chore, or a performance that you perform out of duty.

Maybe your girlfriend is feeling this way…

And maybe you are too. In many cases, the solution is to find his weird bone and start embracing your inner comedian.

Even if you don’t think you can make a decent joke, give it a try if your life depends on it. What do you have to lose?

Your girlfriend may ignore you, but if you can make her laugh (even a laugh she hides from the outside), then you’ve taken the first step in the withdrawal process…

13. Talk to a trusted friend

If you’re looking for things to do if your girlfriend is ignoring you, try talking to a trusted friend. Being hungry for contact and communication can do strange things to your mind and emotions.

Sometimes talking to a trusted friend is the best solution, at least in the short term. Talk about life and love with her, or even play your favorite video game for a while and trade stupid jokes.

Maybe go for a bike ride and take your troubles away for a few hours. Instead of trying to fix everything with your girlfriend at once, go on living life a little bit.

The relationship may be over, or it may just be in a rough patch. But it’s always a good idea to find a close friend and spend time with them, especially if you’re not feeling good about your relationship.

14. Share your interests with her

If your girlfriend ignores you, ensure she isn’t missing everyone else out of boredom or feeling upset with life. An excellent way to investigate this is to share your interests with her. Instead of cooking alone when you invite her over, invite her to help.

Invite her along when you go to the river and go kayaking. Nothing quite like some quiet gliding and enjoying the banks of a forested river to bring back some peace in the relationship.

If you are very interested in cars, invite her to test some hot cars on the weekend…

Or to go skiing with you in some fresh powder…

Do your best to include whatever you love to do. She feels left out and ignores everyone else as a kind of reaction to her.

This brings me to my next point:

15. Be kind to her

‘What does it mean if your girlfriend ignores you?’ you wonder. Well, think about it. Maybe your girlfriend is simultaneously going through a period of feelings and confused thoughts.

Maybe she is going through some personal struggles that she isn’t comfortable discussing. At this point, she doesn’t need much confrontation and fights, but perhaps some time away.

She needs someone to care for her and be there for her as a friend first. In this case, you need to treat her well instead of fighting.

How to act when your girlfriend ignores you? Cook her favorite food, and do things for her that make her happy.

Don’t come out too sticky. Maintain the boundaries of your healthy relationship by doing things for her. It will help her reconnect with you when she sees how much you care.

Compassion and empathy for your partner are probably the most valuable things in a relationship.

16. How long has this been going on?

If your girlfriend is ignoring you, it is an unpleasant experience. But you have to put it in context.

To do this, answer the following three questions:

A: How long have you been together? Two: How long has she been ignoring you? Three: Did anything happen just before “disconnect” sounded?

These three questions will help guide you on what to do next and how to think about his cold demeanor in this situation.

17. Why are you really with your girlfriend?

If your girlfriend ignores you and you want to deal with it, you must be brutally honest. I won’t look at your thoughts and see what you’re thinking; it’s entirely personal.

But be honest with yourself about why you are with your girlfriend. For example:

Maybe you’re with your girlfriend because you find her hot and physically attractive.

Or maybe you’re mainly with your girlfriend because talking to and being around her makes you feel emotionally stimulated and fulfilled.

Or maybe you’re mostly with your girlfriend because you have fear and nausea about being alone and abandoned.

Be honest.

There shouldn’t be only one reason. But try to come up with one or two reasons why you are with her. Then think about whether this tough time and his behavior make you continue investing in the relationship…

18. Dump her

Another option that you need to keep in mind is, of course, the working option:

Dumped her.

It’s far from an easy decision, and you’re likely to wonder if she’ll start to engage with you more if you give her more chances.

But there’s no way for you to know that without living on some parallel universe timeline. So since you’re living on this timeline, you need to do what’s right for you.

And if you know you’ve reached your limit, sometimes things have to end if you want to stay sane. Before making this decision, make sure that you have come to peace within yourself about ending this relationship.

Ask yourself if this is…

Time to pull the plug?

If your girlfriend is ignoring you and you do nothing to change it, you are eventually faced with a straightforward question:

Should you pull the plug?

My honest advice is yes.

Unless it’s a love story of the ages and you’re dedicated to making this work, she’s made his bed, and it’s time for her to lie in it.

Why force it?

Say your goodbyes and move on with your life. If she loves you, then she might come after you. It’s time to live on your terms.

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