How To Manage Time: Tips To Replace Hard Work With Smart Work

Constant multitasking at work or at home makes it imperative that we learn time management. Get some tips here.

In this fast-paced world where things happen every second, how does one manage time? At work, attend meetings, answer calls and texts, plan the next thing on the list, manage people, and more. If this daily grind has you wondering how to manage your time, we may have some tips to help.

For starters, please accept that there is no single easy hack, tip, or strategy that will make you a highly organized, highly productive person overnight.

Your ability to manage your time and attention is a process that must be continually reviewed and modified. Even when you’re trying to manage to multitask, it should be a way of life.

Time management is one of the most useful skills that will take you far in life – both personally and professionally. If you don’t manage your time effectively, sooner or later you will end up in a state of pandemonium.

Time, being such an important aspect of life, deserves to be treated with the utmost respect. Only if we learn to master the art of time management, positive changes will occur in our lives.

To seize every minute of your life, you need to know what effective time management is and how to manage time.

What is time management?

Time management is the coordination of tasks and activities to maximize the effectiveness of an individual’s efforts. In fact, time management allows people to do more and do better in less time.

Here are a few reasons why people struggle with time management

We reached out to emotional intelligence life coach Shivam to know more about time management. He believes that lack of time management is more related to mismanagement of emotions than time.

Tips for developing time management skills:

1. Control your emotions

“Try to tune in and figure out how you’re feeling right now. Oftentimes, unpleasant emotions prevent us from starting work at all,” says Shivam.

Therefore, maintaining a positive attitude towards your work by vowing to be focused and consistent is the first step to managing your time. Here’s a little trick on how to stay focused.

2. Set realistic goals

Unpleasant emotions arise when we have goals that sometimes seem unrealistic to ourselves. The best way to deal with such situations would be to focus on small realistic goals rather than big goals.

“This will allow us to break our goals into smaller pieces and make it easier to focus on them,” suggests the expert.

Instead of setting goals for the week, set goals for the day and use that as motivation. “Motivation is based on action more than anything else. When you take the first step, you would have more momentum to continue,” he adds. Time management is all about setting realistic goals and proper priorities.

3. Avoid procrastination

Procrastination stems from uneven emotional regulation. By better understanding emotions, we can control what we do and how we do it.

4. Work smart

As it is rightly said, smart work is more important than hard work. Working around the clock is not what makes you more productive. Doing the most in the least possible time.

5. Prioritize

Set your priorities right by deleting the least important tasks and setting a time limit on all of them.


Time management is not an easy task if you don’t have a plan. It’s not about working too hard to crush your goals, it’s about allocating healthy and sufficient time to different tasks throughout the day.

It’s about being smart with 24 hours of every day. The tips discussed above should give you a head start on how to manage your time effectively.

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