
10 Signs You’re an Introvert with Anxiety

Anxiety causes you to think that something terrible is going to happen. Being an introvert means you prefer quiet situations and environments without stimulation. Being an introvert in anxiety means that you have to deal with both things at the same time.

This anxiety can keep you thinking about things you did years ago all night. You may also feel less anxious when you have to attend to social situations or something else that’s interfering with your schedule. If these are the issues you are dealing with, then you most likely have anxiety.

Being an introvert doesn’t mean you have anxiety. The two issues are entirely different. But although both problems are other, it is common to overcome them. They often occur together, meaning someone is an anxious introvert.

Understanding anxiety

Anxiety is sometimes characterized by panic attacks, shortness of breath, and sweaty palms. However, this is not always the case, as many have concerns about their high activity.

High-functioning anxiety means they appear to be doing well despite being preoccupied with excessive negative thoughts. Those who struggle with it can often succeed and participate in society.

Those with high-functioning anxiety are often unable to rest. They do not miss their supplies and are always alert. Their minds do not settle; they are always thinking and making plans.

Anxious people, even with all their fears, can be very successful. Usually, other people cannot tell that the anxious person is suffering.

About introversion

The word introvert describes someone who tends to turn inward, meaning they focus on internal thoughts, feelings, and moods rather than seeking external stimuli.

Introversion is a personality trait characterized by focusing on internal feelings rather than external sources of stimulation. Introverts and extroverts are often viewed as two extreme opposites, but the truth is that most people lie somewhere in the middle.

Although introverts make up about 25% to 40% of the population, there are still many misconceptions about this personality type. It’s also important to note that being an introvert doesn’t mean you’re socially awkward or shy.

Ten signs You are introverted with anxiety

Do these behaviors sound like you?

1. You’re always prepared because you think about the worst-case scenario

Does this sound like you? In any situation, your mind jumps to the worst-case scenario. As a result, you over-prepare yourself.

For example, the airline lost my suitcase while flying to Thailand. I had to wear the same clothes for days, which bothered me to no end. Now, whenever I travel, I fear that it will happen again (it didn’t) and be destroyed. EVERYTHING. So I pack underwear, a change of clothes, and some toiletries in my checked luggage and carry-on bag. Making duplicates is annoying, but I can’t shake my fear.

Suppose you have a high level of anxiety. In that case, people probably see you as reliable – and often, your preparations come in handy – but few (if any!) know the root of your “prepared for anything” mentality.

2. You have trouble sleeping

Usually, anxiety makes it difficult to fall asleep, and you may struggle with insomnia. Because of all the thoughts that come to mind, it is generally difficult for an anxious person to sleep at night. Since they always think that the worst-case scenario will happen, they can’t make up their minds for a long time.

The inability to resolve thoughts causes insomnia. Being anxiously introverted only exacerbates the issue. When you’re struggling with both problems, you’re going to strain your mind, even more, trying to switch off. You will want to calm your thoughts and find peace, but anxiety will take you on a different path.

Not only will you have difficulty sleeping, but you will also wake up frequently during the night. After you go to bed, you may not be able to rest at all, especially when you suffer from constant waking.

3. Even if you are often excited, don’t show it

Introverts like to keep the peace, which means they will hide their true feelings of excitement. Maybe they are agitated inside, and the worries are too much. But they will still look good on the surface because they won’t let any mess shine.

If you find that you can do this, you probably have anxiety. Sobriety is a definite sign of severe stress.

4. You speak nervously

Introverts are known to only talk when they have something meaningful to say, but this is not always the case for introverts with high-functioning anxiety. They may often talk out of nervousness and be mistaken for extroverts.

5. You hide your feelings

In addition to hiding their excitement, anxious introverts do their best to hide their other feelings. If you are the type of person who does this, you will find yourself stifling your feelings and thoughts. Others think that when it’s hard to read, you just try to hide what you consider negative feelings.

You may try to hide feelings such as stress, anger, frustration, irritability, and sadness. You do this because you have taught yourself that feelings are harmful and that others do not like you.

6. You see things differently than others

People with anxiety tend to see things differently because research shows that it is difficult for an anxious person to identify a safe situation. They associate more things as threats and tend to do so.

If you compare it with the attitude of others, it will be easy to see the differences. Perhaps those around them feel calm, collected, and unafraid of their surroundings. At the same time, you may be excited for no reason.

If this situation happens to you often, then there is a good chance that you are dealing with anxiety. This does not mean that the danger is a figment of your imagination. On the contrary, it shows that you think differently than others.

7. You avoid things you cannot control and prefer to stick to your own rules

Introverts with anxiety usually make their world as small as possible. They do this so as not to worry or worry too much.

If you do, you’ll stick to your schedule as often as possible. Plus, you’ll face situations you can control. Travel, social events, conflict, or any other emotional experience will also trigger you.

If you’re frustrated when plans change and you struggle to adjust, that’s another sign you’re worried. Untrustworthy people can irritate you. You don’t like doing things without a plan.

8. You overthink and have negative self-talk

Worriers usually worry too much, which often leads to self-talk. They replay every part of their day in their mind until they convince themselves that it’s not going well. There are too many things to think about after conversations, communication, and other small items.

Even those who are overthinking will not overcome them on the same day. They may spend weeks or months rethinking the same sad situation. If you are guilty of this behavior, you may also be experiencing a race mentality.

It would help if you thought about things that are not important or that cannot be changed. Moreover, you lead to self-indulgent thoughts and behaviors.

9. You always have to do something

Relaxing can be difficult for you because there is always something to do. You will get busy, get things done, and move forward. Staying productive is the best way to deal with anxiety because it takes your mind off it.

Plus, being busy gives you a sense of control over your life. You’ve probably noticed that people compliment you on how productive you are without realizing that you’re doing it to suppress your anxiety.

For some, this even means sitting down to watch TV, or a movie is impossible. Even after that, you force your hand and mind to do other things.

10. You are a perfectionist and have a fear of disappointing others

If you worry about disappointing others and feel the need to be perfect, this is a sign that you are anxiously introverted. Not wanting to disappoint others means putting other people’s happiness before your own and forcing yourself to sacrifice your own needs.

You will need to be perfect with your appearance at work and at home. This way of thinking leads to unrealistic expectations and excessive fear. It can also make you feel like you’re constantly lacking and never good enough (even if you are).

The desire to be perfect and to please others occurs because people with anxiety feel better when they are in control. If they push themselves towards perfection, they can control the course of their lives. Unfortunately, this often makes them feel like they’re not doing enough or not making the right choices because perfection is impossible.

Final thoughts on signs you are an introvert with anxiety

Being an introvert and struggling with anxiety each comes with its challenges. The issues are amplified and present differently if you are a shy introvert. These signs can help you recognize behaviors if you’re anxiously introverted.

Being an anxious introvert can be hard to live with all the time, but you can do it with the right mindset. Keep these signs in mind, and let them help you make changes for the better. You may be able to overcome some negativity with an open mind.

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